Friday Youth Club runs each Friday during term time, 7:30 – 9:30. Each week we have a short time focused on God and a weekly tuckshop. Our evenings are split between club nights, where the young people are able to play pool, ping pong, air hockey, engage in crafts, or just chill with friends. Our other evenings are activity evenings where we have a set group activity, these range from taskmaster evenings to indoor crazy golf. Youth club is open to all young people who are in school year 7 – 13, and only costs £1, with your first week free to make sure you like it. 

Youth House Group

Youth House Group runs every two weeks, on the 2nd and 4th Sunday of the month for our young people in year 10 and above. This is a place for them to build strong biblical foundations and deepen their relationship with God. Our sessions are a mix of relaxed social time and practical bible study, in which we are helping to equip the young people with the skills they need to read the bible for themselves. Prayer is also a key part of this group, as each week we take time to look at what we have been praying for, give thanks for answered prayers, and get prayer requests for the coming week.

Dan Owen – RBC Youth worker

It is my privilege to work alongside the young people of Romsey. I am passionate about providing a safe space for young people, in which they can have fun, build strong and dependable friendships with each other, as well as teaching them about God and how faith is relevant in today’s world.

If you have any questions please do email me at:

“Really fun and inclusive always have a laugh”


“Everyone listens to you when you need to talk”
