This page is where you will find various documents produced by Romsey Baptist Church in pdf format. Click on the document name to open it. The free Adobe Acrobat Reader software for opening pdf files (if you don’t already have it) is available by clicking here.
There is also information related to the use of copyright material in the church.
Document | Description |
Church constitution | Effective from May 2018 |
Constitution addendum | Includes decisions taken at Church Members’ Meetings either where required by the constitution or as necessary to record particular requirements that arise from the Leadership structure of the church – updated March 2019 |
Church safety | A guide to the church buildings relating to fire safety, gas, water, electricity, etc – updated Dec 2012 |
Health & Safety policy | The church’s health and safety policy – reviewed May 2021 |
Safeguarding policy | Policy statement on safeguarding children and young people – updated January 2023 |
PAT policy | Policy on testing of portable electrical appliances – reviewed May 2021 |
Data protection policy | Policy on use of personal data – March 2019 |
Data privacy statement | Statement on how the church uses personal data – May 2018 |
Social Media Policy | Our policy on using social media – January 2020 |
The church holds several licences issued by Christian Copyright Licensing International. The licences give us certain permissions to use copyright material but there are restrictions. Please read the relevant section below and abide by the requirements. Their Support page is useful and includes a link to ScreenVue.
Church Copyright Licence (CCL)
This allows us to project the lyrics of songs and to reproduce the words on paper. We have to make an annual report report of all the songs used in either way. Data can be taken from the SongPro system for songs projected in that way. If you produce OHPs or reproduce the words of songs in any other way you MUST let Mary know. Please note that not all songs are covered by the CCL scheme.
Useful websites: CCLI homepage
Music Reproduction Licence (MRL)
This allows us to photocopy music. We have to make an annual report of all the music photocopied and so if you photocopy music you MUST let Mary know. As well as the title, first line, composer, etc, she needs to know the publication from which you copied the song. Please note that not all music is covered by the MRL scheme.
Useful websites: List of publications in scheme
Video Licence (VL)
This licence allows us to use commercially produced videos. This includes showing clips to illustrate sermons or showing films to the Youth Club. We do not have to report which videos we have used, but we are restricted to the producers covered by the scheme.
Useful websites: CCLI video licence information Producers covered
PRS Church Licence (PRSCL)
This licence allows us to use music in a variety of ways, including things like background music in the hall which would otherwise be illegal.
Useful websites: The PRS-CL page at the CCLI.
Copyright Licensing Agency Church Licence (CLACL)
This allows us to copy a lot of printed material but there are publications excluded from the licence scheme. We have to report what we copy and so a form is located by the church’s photocopier. Please make sure you use it! If you copy items elsewhere please let Robin know and he will give you a form for you to use.
Useful websites: The CLA homepage has lots of information and the ‘excluded works‘ list is particularly useful.